Expand your scope of practice

Goal Management Training™: Train-the-Trainer Course

As a standardized intervention to reduce disability and increase productivity, Goal Management Training™ (GMT) is in wide use clinically for treatment of a variety of conditions with associated cognitive impairment. These include traumatic brain injury, stroke, multiple sclerosis, mild cognitive impairment in ageing, ADHD, PTSD, substance abuse, depression, and other conditions.

In this course, you will learn how to deliver the GMT intervention — developed by leading clinical researchers in the neuropsychology of executive functions.

Administration of GMT requires certification through this course (or a prior workshop) and purchase of GMT kits or Digital Tools. 

The GMT eLearning course is approved for various Continuing Education (CE) credits for psychology, social work, and occupational therapy. See the bottom of the page for approved organizations.

The GMT eLearning course is not intended to be used as a self-help course in lieu of therapist-guided treatment.

Goal Management Training™

Join this course to learn the fundamentals of GMT
Enrolment open - Register now!
Please fill out our contact form and include your information if you have any questions.
  • Online: 6 h
  • Live Q&A: 60-90 mins
  • Difficulty level: This course is for registered healthcare professionals familiar with standard intervention practices used in mental health treatment and rehabilitation. Basic knowledge of brain function and psychological principles in cognitive science is helpful, but not required.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe and discuss the scientific and theoretical basis of GMT, including the science and pathology of executive and prefrontal functions.
  • Explain the structure of GMT and identify key components of the intervention.
  • Describe the evidence-base supporting the efficacy and justification for the structure of GMT.
  • Identify client populations who are, or are not likely to benefit from GMT.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the contents and activities required for delivery of the program with either the GMT physical toolkits or GMT digital tools
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    The use of the Goal Management Training™ (GMT) intervention requires purchase of the GMT kits and/or digital tools and completion of the training.

    Course Information & Requirements 

    • All learners need to achieve 80% or higher on all knowledge checks (post-tests) to pass the course. However, learners have unlimited chances to retake the tests. 
    • All learners must complete all knowledge checks and the evaluation survey to complete the course as this counts towards attendance. 

    Continuing Education Accreditation

    • The Rotman Research Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor 6 continuing education for psychologists. The Rotman Research Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
    • The Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Health Sciences is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) and the Medical Psychotherapy Association Canada (MDPAC) to offer continuing education for psychologists. The Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Health Sciences maintains responsibility for the program.

    • Goal Management Training: Train-the-Trainer, course #4914, is approved by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program to be offered by Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest as an individual course. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE course approval period: 05/16/2023-05/16/2023. Social workers completing this course receive 3 total credits including 1 clinical and 2 general continuing education credits. 
    • Goal Management Training for Therapists is an American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Approved Provider of professional development. This distance learning-independent activity is offered at [1] CEUs, [Intermediate level, categories 1 & 3].


    Meet your instructors

    Brian Levine, Ph.D., C.Psych., ABPP-cn
    Senior Scientist, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest
    Susan Vandermorris, Ph.D., C.Psych.
    Clinical Neuropsychologist, Baycrest
    BRI DARBOH, MBA, Ph.D., C.Psych.
    Clinical Neuropsychologist (Supervised Practice), Baycrest

    Conflict of interest Statement: Goal Management Training™ is owned by Baycrest. Drs. Levine, Robertson, and Cambridge University receive a royalties on a percentage of the sales of GMT.